Hire Pre-vetted app.

Our screening process helps us attract and identify top dental app.

Of the hundreds of applicants who sign up for the platform every month only 5% gain full access to apply to your requests.

Hire Dental Talent Apply to Jobs

The Dental Talent Now Screening Process

Each applicant to the Dental Talent Now network must pass a screening process designed to measure dental expertise, professionalism, and communication skills.

Step 1

Profile and Skills Overview

The first step of the screening process is creating a comprehensive profile. Candidates enter work history, education, and skills.
(25% pass)

Step 2

Online Skills Assessments

After completing their profile we test candidates skills with online skills asessments. These asessments reflect real life situations and ensure that candidates actually have the skills identified on their profile.
(50% pass)

Step 3

Video Interviews

Once candidates have passed their skills asessment they sign up for a one on one video interview with one of our Dental Talent Now coaches. These coaches ask questions designed to target work ethic, teamwork, and emotional intellignece.
(25% pass)

Step 4

Rising Talent Training

Once a candidate has passed their video interview they enter our rising talent program where they are further trained on what it takes to be a great . Once they've passed their rising talent training they're cleared to apply for their first job.
(5% pass)

Step 5

Dental Talent Now Certified

After successfully completing their first job, candidates are Dental Talent Now Certified and given access to apply to jobs on the platform.